C is being homeschooled using the Well Trained Mind (WTM) classical approach.
Math- he's plowing through math quickly. Initially we started out using what we had left over from last year but I'm thinking and leaning more to Singapore math. I have a few books we're using but I want to try Horizons math too. He's pretty much reached the end of first grade math so we've recently been concentrating on "drills" and some 2nd grade math. He also does "Daily Math" and bigmathtime.com daily. I just bought Mental Math in the primary grades to start using with him as well.
Reading Since he is a first grader I tried some first grade Phonics but it was just silly for him. So now we're using a Spectrum third grade Phonics book but I think I'm going to order Explode the Code for him, which is what J uses at home with me. He's independently reading and he's "supposed" to read one book a day independently and he probably does, just a lot of repeat books. His favorites are Magic School Bus books. We also have a Streck and Vaughn Reading Comprehension book which we do some days.
Language Arts Hmmm, well for the rest of LA we use Spelling workout B (2nd grade) because he plows through spelling, his favorite subject. We used Super Silly Sentences to get the hang of sentence writing. Now we're using S&V's first grade Writing everyday. He is not "there" yet in terms of writing creatively. He is very literal. For Grammar we use First Language Lessons which is working for us and then I picked up a Grammar workbook for extra practice. For handwriting practice he HATED copywork so we're taking a break and doing a D'Nealian workbook. He definitely needs the fine motor tune-up. I taught him to print in K with Handwriting without tears but as we're approaching 2nd grade I want to try D'Nealian, I think he needs to learn the flow. He actually likes it! Oh and does the workbook "Daily Language Arts." It's amazing to see my little guy correct sentences this young!
History We're using Story of the World 1 and the activity guide which we're enjoying a lot!!!! We're deep into Egyptians and Mummies at the moment!
Science For Science we're only on part 1 of our part science course...currently using Kingfisher's First Human Encyclopedia. This is right up C's alley. But time constraints and a little brother in the way, project day is difficult for us to complete the way I'd like to . We're also using Abeka's first grade Health curriculum for some Health reading and conversation.
Music Music is big here because we haven't started an Art curriculum yet soooo we do piano lessons on Wed and daily practice. Additionally we using the curriculum established in Themes to Remember and are trying to tackle one theme every 2 weeks. We had the CD in the car but somehow, it mysteriously cracked (arrgh) so we need to order a new one.
Miscellaneous This is where we try to figure in some Thinking Skills workbooks (good for his visual perception activities especially), Social Skills and sotries to handle some of the ASD issues and also "Real Life" lessons (shoe tying right now. In the past we did bedmaking, door holding for others, making a sandwich, etc....)
STILL TO PURCHASE (my dh thinks it's a one shot, one time a year plunk down of about $300 for all of your homeschool needs.. hahahahahahaha). Art curriculum (have one on my wishlist, the 2nd 2 books of science curric, Horizons math to try, a SPEECH therapy program for use at home and a few smaller things like Daily Mental Math.
Monday, October 8, 2007
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