Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Gorgeous Blog
I've printed out many of her Vintage Homemaking sheets to put into my own Home Management Binder (I posted about a few days ago).
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I'm up for this... anyone else????
My new favorite place to shop....
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My home management binder...
Well I finally did one about a month and a half ago. Mine has brought SUCH coolness and organization to my life that I made one for a friend who is moving into a new home! I have tabbed folders to divide my binder into many sections.
I've divided my binder (which sits in my kitchen) like this:
- "Today's to do list"
- "Planner" for calendars, class calendars, library calendars and our birthday calendar for our family/friends.
- "Cleaning" for daily cleaning schedule, monthly and yearly cleaning checklists and I BUNCH of homemade cleaner recipes
- "Menu/Shopping"for menu planning section with a 7 day printout and also a Grocery store "Master List" as well as a folder for coupons and recipes I want to try. (I am loving Smitten Kitchen these days)
- I have a section for Financials (bills and such)
- I have a section for Medical
- I have a section for Home Maintenance with a pocket for receipts
- ditto a section for Auto Maintenance
- Then I have a section for Emergency (incl in this is a printout for each of us with our SS number and blood type)
- For my friend I also included a section for contacts
From MY binder...this is my checklist that's up on the frig for daily chores (I'm like a dog I'm so routined but if I'm not... I'm out of sorts...kwim???)
Daily Cleaning Schedule
Start coffee
Shower and dress
Empty dishwasher
Drink coffee, check email
Make breakfast for family
Make beds
Take out dinner meat
Start laundry
Dress kids, kids teeth
Swish toilets, wipe sinks in bath
Clean 1 drawer or 1 shelf
Switch Laundry
Make lunch, do dishes
Pick up toys
Fold laundry and put it away
Empty kitty litter
Work 20 minutes on ZONE
Make dinner
Do dinner dishes
Get morning coffee ready
Sweep kitchen and tidy kitchen
All kids brush teeth, baths, change clothes
Lay out clothes for a.m.
Wash face, brush teeth
Lock all doors
v Dining Room, Boys room
v Kitchen, ceiling fans
v Kids’ bath, Jules’ room
v Our bedroom, our bathroom
v Living Room, Family Room, hall bath
v Sunroom/Playroom, change air filter
o Mop kitchen and baths
o Clean mirrors and doors
o Vacuum rooms
o Empty all trash
o Wipe appliances down
o Change sheets
o Clean stove and microwave
o 20 minutes on zone
o Dust all surfaces incl desk!
o Finish mirrors, windows, doors
o 20 minutes on zone
o Paperwork and bills
o Sweep, spot mop
o Clean frig
o 20 minutes on zone
o Clean all sinks, tubs, toilets
o Menu plan, make grocery list, card list
o 20 minutes on zone
o Clean laundry room
o Groceries and errands
o 20 minutes on project
o Clean car
o Wash garbage cans
o Wash goopey windows
o Mow lawn, trim hedges
o Kids’ Nails and Mommy conditions!
Monday, June 9, 2008
So look what I learned how to do
Soooo cool.
It's the little things, ya know?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
'Puter issues
Quick homeschool update....
C- doing well! Starting on multiplication in Math and loving it. REALLY into History at the moment but it's a fun period that we're doing... ancient Crete. We watched a movie on Ancient Aegeans last week then the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World this week. We're slowing getting into the early Greeks. Very cool. We're all enjoying it.
J- what an awesome reader she is. We're on Explode the Code 3 and starting Horizons Math K this week! Her writing has MUCH improved since she's been homeschooling.
Weather: It's been hot, hot, hot and humid. 92 and 72 lows most days. Blech. I just sit outside and bake. Even my fair skin is tanned (for me). We're enjoying our $50 pool let me tell you. We have definitely gotten our use out of this pool already and it's only June 5th.
Nature: Unfortunately with lack of rain the lake water has REALLY receded and with that that bass and other big fish have sought deeper water so we're left feeding the sunnies and the occasional turtle. It's sad. We've had ONE good rain recently. My garden is not fairing well. I overwatered the garden one day and killed the zucchini and the broccoli is not doing well now either. On a positive note our Gladiolas have started to bloom... gorgeous! Our petunias are starting to dry out and the Gerbera daisies are sad looking. One bud a piece. :sigh::
I keep looking at the weather in Upper Black Eddy, PA (Bucks County, PA) as the new place I want to move (ok, so that changes weekly). Personally it helps me to know that there's a bright spot out there somewhere. I love FL winters, detest the summers. I want to be back in PA where I actually have friends and family. I love Bucks County so it's a small dream...
We have our first meeting for our new private school/homeschool tomorrow night and I'm really psyched up for that!!! Gosh I hope it's a + experience! We're sooo not in a county that is a good homeschooling county (no co-ops, little support, really no true homeschool groups... I can't even get any of the groups to call me back).
We're still doing "homeschool lite"now that summer has officially begun here concentrating more on reading and swimming but history is fun! J is working hard on her writing skills, beginners math and reading of course! C just "got down" his 0,1,2 times tables.
I'm doing sooooooooooo much summer reading: All of the Sophie Kinsella Shopaholic books (they're hilarious), some Jodi Picoult, the Square foot gardeners books AND all of the Dave Ramsey money books. We decided to take the NEXT YEAR to rebuilt our savings which means remaining on our tight, frugal budget until that is accomplished!
Happy Monday!
(btw, like my new blog design?)