Saturday, June 21, 2008

My new favorite place to shop....

and what did I do before the internet and blogging?

So...CVS. HOW have I missed the savings at CVS for the past um, 38 years? OMG. I'm totally digging on CVS. The EBs (extra bucks) are excellent savers and incentives. I just spent $10 there having saved $4 on sale items then I got back another $4.49 in EBs.
Yeah.. so you know you're frugal and you're pretty bored when you say to your dh on a Saturday night at 6pm "Gosh, I can't wait for the Sunday paper to come out so I can start clipping my coupons and do the rest of menus with the sale fliers." I mean I get EXCITED to do this now...
I'm in "Dave Ramsey" live like no one else so later you can live like no one else mode full-on. So I'm trying to menu plan for 2 weeks and if we can make it another 3 days...we did it. Granted I'm down to the bare minimum.. but we did it. We did have pizza (take out) on Father's Day per John's request after we fried on the beach. (Finding pizza in FL is soooooo different than back home in Philly/Jersey. OMG. We had to really LOOK for a place that was open at 2pm on Sunday and finding pie that didn't taste like cardboard, that's been a whole other story. But I digress...) So for is mostly coming from Walmart, a few meat from Publix and health and beauty and lot of other miscellaneous items from CVS.
And then there's Walgreens where I saved $12 this week with coupons.... but I'll post about that later.
Hope you're having a great weekend!

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