Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brrrr! and back to the grind...

We've had some brisk, chilly mornings here in FL the past few days!!! We even had a low 2 nights ago of 31 degrees! It's the chilly mornings that make us really appreciate being homeschoolers this time of year as we sit at the table in warm jammies drinking hot cocoa!

We have begun to implement more religion into our homeschool curriculum as Catholic homeschooolers. I'm a HUGE fan of Dawn at the lovely, lovely blog By Sun and Candlelight. On her sidebar she has fabulous Themes and Plans for each month of the year and we have printed and used them. They are wonderful! Dawn is truly a blessing to the homeschool community, especially to those of us who are Catholic homeschoolers and appreciate nature study. And a NOT MISS is a truly amazing post she did a while back titled "A Year in a Baker's Kitchen" with a generous amount of seasonal baking suggestions (with linked recipes). O.M.G.

Currently I am trying to decide upon a formal catechism course to implement. I'll probably go with Seton. Maybe... Magnifikid looks like a fun follow-up to weekly sermons. Right now we use a lot of the educational plans supplied on Catholic Mom written in Lisa's blog.

Tomorrow is the traditional celebration of the Epiphany so we have been moving around our Wise Men in anticipation of their visiting Baby Jesus tomorrow. My plan is to make a King's Cake with a hidden baby in it. We plan to present Baby Jesus with 3 small offerings from each child and also I think the Magi will leave our family 3 gifts ;)

Have a wonderful day!

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